The number of people who enjoy drinking freshly squeezed juices is probably almost as large as the number of people who are firm believers that there is nothing good about consuming juices. The latter is a pretty harsh statement, considering how many healthy nutrients are in every fruit and vegetable. In the next couple of paragraphs, we’ll try to list the possible reasons why so many individuals dislike juices, and we’ll also address why their beliefs might be irrelevant.

Different People – Different Beliefs

For many people, the idea of consuming freshly squeezed fruit juices is associated with weight gain. We are quick to confirm that this can indeed happen if you drink such juices in excess. However, the truth is that you can also gain weight by consuming huge amounts of broccoli. Weight gain occurs when one is in a calorie surplus. In other words: If you drink fruit juices but still meet your daily caloric intake, you won’t gain weight.

Another reason why so many people believe that juices aren’t really healthy is that when the liquid is extracted from the fruit, the healthy fiber is removed, as well. Nonetheless, this isn’t something that should bother you. You will be left with all vitamins and minerals, and if you need to get that extra fiber, you can just get it from other sources like:

  • Oats
  • Wholegrain foods
  • Beans
  • Avocados
  • Berries

These are just some of the alternatives one may choose between. The simple truth is that anything can be unhealthy if not consumed in moderation. This rule applies to juices, as well. The recommended amount for an adult is one to two cups of fresh juice per day. Of course, this may vary, depending on one’s needs.

Why Is It Good to Drink A Cup of Freshly Squeezed Juice Every Day?

Although it is true that you can gain weight if you consume too much freshly squeezed juice, the likelihood of this happening if you don’t exceed your caloric intake is zero. Quite the opposite, actually. For example, consuming celery, ginger, lemon, and carrot juice can help boost your metabolism.

This is one of the numerous benefits associated with drinking juice. In addition, people who consume extracted drinks on a daily basis are less likely to catch a cold and develop certain health problems. Depending on your preferences, you can come up with numerous combinations. If you’re unsure about the different fruits and vegetables, you can always take a look at our articles dedicated to the right juices for different health problems.

Finally, we’d like to point out that your diet shouldn’t consist only of fresh juices! We recommend that you eat enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats every day. Your daily dose of juice should simply be a liquid snack that you can have between meals. We advise you to try different combinations until you find the perfect one for you.